Loss is a difficult part of life that we must unfortunately all be touched by, but the loss of a pregnancy or child is one of the deepest, more intimate, most soul shattering losses and also one of the least talked about or discussed kinds of loss. Statistics show that at least every one out of four pregnancies will end in loss, but some estimates which count the pregnancies which may end before someone realizes that they* are pregnant, push that number closer to 80% of all pregnancies. This is a staggering number, but how often do we openly share about it? I offer this list in the hopes that by bringing some of the hurt to the light, it ultimately will make the heaviness easier to carry for those who inevitably have to walk this road. Thank you for taking their hand and walking with them. I’ve included some potentially helpful practical and spiritual/metaphysical support resources as well as my favorite, heart healing poem at the bottom of this article. Without further ado…
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